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Durethan BKV30FN04 - Amphenol HV connectors
Polyamide 6 for the inliners of automotive high-pressure natural gas tanks
Durethan BKV30H2.0 for brake pedal in polyamide composite sheet hybrid technology
Durethan AKV30H2.0 for bicycle inner bearings
Durethan BKV130 for latch unit
Durethan AKV35H2.0 - Engine oil pan for trucks
Durethan AKV35H2.0SR1 - oil module
Durethan BKV30H2.0EF - frontend produced by hybrid technology with nylon composite sheet
Durethan DPBKV60H2.0EF - gear box oil pan - extremely flat, yet very stiff
Durethan BKV30H2.0 used for pedal bracket made by hybrid technology
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