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Durethan BKV30H2.0 for brake pedal in polyamide composite sheet hybrid technology
Durethan BKV30H2.0 for brake pedal in polyamide composite sheet hybrid technology
Durethan DPBKV60H2.0EF - spare wheel recess with a bodywork-reinforcing effect
Durethan BKV35 for body reinforcement using CORE Products CBS Technology
Durethan BKV30H2.0 used for pedal bracket made by hybrid technology
Durethan BKV30H2.0 used for pedal bracket made by hybrid technology
Durethan BKV30 used for the first front end with aluminum hybrid technology
Durethan BKV30FN04 - Amphenol HV connectors
Pocan B5221XF - SKODA fuel filler flap
Pocan B3233HR for motor-gear-unit housing of automated parking brake systems (APB)
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