E-Mobilty - Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

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The continuous increasing amount of electrical equipment, the miniaturisation and package-density bring the field "Electromagnetic compatibility" into the focus of the automotive industry.
Furthermore the electrical components are used more and more in safety-relevant applications, so measures are required to restrict electromagnetic interferences. By the electrification of the drive train the perturbation potential is further increasing, that must be taken into account during the design and development of the components.

Engineering thermoplastics are key structural materials, with gaining importance for the automotive industry. Reasons for that are e.g.:

- Weight reduction
- Inexpensively manufacturing via injection moulding
- Virtually unlimited freedom in design and color
- High level of integration

Plastics housings employed for electric/electronic systems are non-conductors of electricity and hence largely permeable to electromagnetic waves. It is thus necessary for these housings
to be made electrically conductive, unless no other measures be implemented, to ensure the electromagnetic compatibility. Beside subsequent-treatment procedures as metallisation e.g. electroplating, aluminisation and painting with conductive varnish, we are working on several options to integrate the function of electromagnetic shielding in our products.