
Easy-flow and extreme-flow grades

LANXESS has extended its EF (EasyFlow) product range with the particularly easy-flowing Pocan®/Durethan® XF (XtremeFlow) series. These products boast greatly improved flow compared to conventional standard products.

Advantages include:

  • Lower melt temperature and thereby reduced cooling and cycle times.
  • A significantly lower injection pressure that protects the mold and enables smaller injection molding machines to be used.
  • Reduced tendency to warp.
  • Ability to achieve thin-walled moldings (lightweight design) with good surfaces at higher filler contents.
  • Fewer gating points enable simplified mold design.

  processing parameter 'control dials'

  Flowability comparison EF with XF grade

Choice of Durethan® EF and XF Grades
ACF30XH2.0EFPA 66 (GF+CF)30improved electrical conductivity
DPAKV30HREFPA 66 GF30hydrolysis stabilized
DPAKV50H2.0EFPA 66 GF50high stiffness (high-modulus)
BKV30H2.0EFPA 6 GF30 
BKV50H2.0EFPA 6 GF50high stiffness (high-modulus))
BKV60H2.0EF DUS060PA 6 GF60high stiffness (high-modulus)
BM29XH2.0EFPA 6 (GF+MD)30improved surface finish
BTC65H3.0EF PA 6 MD65improved heat conductivity
AKV60XFPA 66 GF60XtremeFlow, high stiffness (high-modulus)
BKV60XFPA 6 GF60XtremeFlow, high stiffness (high-modulus)
BG30XH2.0XFPA 6 (GF+GB)30XtremeFlow, low tendency to warp
BG60XXFPA 6 (GF+GB)60XtremeFlow, high stiffness (high-modulus), low tendency to warp
alle leichtfließenden Durethan Typen all easy flowing Durethan grades
Choice of Pocan® EF and XF Grades
B1205XFPBT non-reinforced 
B3217XFPBT GF16 
B3235XFPBT GF30 
B3233HRPBT GF30hydrolysis stabilized
B5220XFPBT GB20reduced warpage
C3230XF(PBT+PC) GF30reduced warpage, improved surface finish
T3150XF(PBT+PET) GF55high stiffness (high-modulus)
all easy flowing Pocan grades alle leichtfließenden Pocan Typen
EF and XF grades - more literature
lock closeEF, XF and high-modulus product lines: Easy-flow and high-strengthBrochure
more Durethan EF applicationsDurethan EF applicationsCase Study
more Durethan XF applicationsDurethan XF applicationsCase Study
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