Food state European Community | | || | Migration limits | Durethan | || || | Caprolactam | Hexamethylene- diamine | Isophoron- diamine | Isophthalic acid | B30SF B31F B35F, B35FA, B35FKA, B38F, B38FKA, B40F, B40FA, B40FAM, B40FKA | || || || || || || | < 15 mg/kg | | | | C38F, C38FA, C38FAM, C38FKAM, C38FKS, CI31F | || || | < 15 mg/kg | | < 6 mg/kg | < 5 mg/kg | KU2-2903 | || | < 15 mg/kg | < 2.4 mg/kg | | < 5 mg/kg | CPA31, CPA31F, DPCPA31FBA | || | < 15 mg/kg | < 2.4 mg/kg | | | T40 | || | | < 2.4 mg/kg | | < 5 mg/kg | All above mentioned grades colored natural (000000) with respect to their monomer and/or additive constituents are suitable for food contact applications with respect to e.g.:
- EC directives 2002/72/EC (including 2008/39/EC and 2009/975/EC) and the successor regulation EC/10/2011 - the amended German "Regulation on Articles for Food Contact Applications"
and either amendments until today as well as specific regional directives and regulations.
Regarding the monomers in a/m Durethan products the limits on the right-hand side of the table must be observed. More information | | If you intend to use a particular color shade please contact us by e-mail to ask for a specific conrfirmation | | | | |