Products for LED and lighting applications

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The development of small, powerful and efficient LEDs is leading to mounting demands on the materials used to fabricate their housings and reflectors.

Growth market: LEDs

LEDs are the light source of the future. Their energy consumption is significantly lower than that of incandescent and discharge lamps, and their service life longer. Growing potential for their use exists, for instance, in electronic display backlighting, building lighting and streetlamps. They likewise will continue to become established in automotive lighting.

As economical alternatives in many LED applications, Durethan® and Pocan® grades offer the following advantages, among others:

- Virtually no yellowing when exposed to light and heat
- Suitability for vapor phase soldering
- Energy-saving processing

for the following fields of application and its main requirements (selection):

Housings and connectorsThermally conductive components
LED housing + connectorLED thermal conductivity
High reflectionThermal conductivity
Heat and UV stabilityElectrical insulation

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