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Technical Information
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Electrical properties of Durethan and Pocan
"Nylon Composite Sheets" – an Innovation in Hybrid Technology
The recycling of hybrid components
Shear strength of representative LANXESS thermoplastics
Hybrid Components in Series Production
Roof-frame design using hybrid technology
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Tepex - All around sustainable (brochure)
Engineering plastics for New Mobility (brochure)
Tepex - Information for processors (brochure)
Tepex - Advanced thermoplastic composites (brochure)
Lightweight design – with high-tech plastics for "green mobility" (brochure)
Case Studies
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Durethan BKV30FN04 - Amphenol HV connectors
Durethan BKV30H2.0 for brake pedal in polyamide composite sheet hybrid technology
Durethan DPBKV240 and Tepex dynalite 102 for airbag housing
Pocan B4235 - booster module for start-stop systems
Durethan BKV30EF - Frontend produced by hybrid technology with nylon composite sheet
Hybrid Front End Ford Focus
Durethan BKV30H2.0 used for pedal bracket made by hybrid techology
Durethan BKV30 - first front end with aluminum hybrid technology
Other literature
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"Nylon composite sheet" in a bonded connection with Durethan
Hybrid Technology
Lightweight design – with Engineering Plastics for "green mobility"
Tepex QS Standard
Tepex - Processing Guidelines
Pocan XHR grades
Durethan BKV30H2.0 used for pedal bracket made by hybrid technology
Smart solutions energized by LANXESS
Metal hybrid technology
Lightweight Design reduces the energy consumption of electric cars
Durethan BKV30H2.0EF - frontend produced by hybrid technology with nylon composite sheet
Durethan BKV30H2.0 for brake pedal in polyamide composite sheet hybrid technology
Durethan DPBKV240 and Tepex for airbag housing
Durethan BKV30 used for the first front end with aluminum hybrid technology
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